Michael Aerni

SocialLinks Release Notes

Michael Aerni


May 7th, 2024

What's changed

  • Added support for Statamic 5


May 11th, 2023

What's changed

  • Added support for Statamic 4
  • Dropped support for Statamic 3


January 12th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fixed filename case


January 10th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Ensure we remove any @ from the Twitter handle.


January 5th, 2023

What's fixed

  • Fixed Facebook profile link


January 5th, 2023

What's new

  • Complete refactor of the codebase
  • New Tag to create social profile links
  • New Tag to get name of social channel

What's breaking

  • Dropped support for PHP 7.4
  • New Tag architecture

Migrating from version 2

The usage of the Tag has changed. Migrating from version 2 should be fairly simple:

Version 2

{{ social_links:facebook }}

Version 3

{{ social:facebook:share }}


June 12th, 2022

What's improved

  • Prevent 301 redirects of Pinterest links (#4)


July 2nd, 2021

  • New Add support for Telegram


February 11th, 2021

  • New Added support for PHP 8
  • New Changed the mailto parameter to to
  • New The body parameter of the mail channel will now override the url in the body text to give you better control


November 12th, 2020

  • New Add support for Xing
  • Fix When using the mail channel, the url was nowhere to be found. The url is now placed within the body of the email.


August 4th, 2020

Fix Make sure to only create a link when the channel called in the Tag is actually supported by this addon


July 29th, 2020

New Port to Statamic v3