The starter kit is essentially a template for any site build, consisting of a Header & Footer (including Navigation), basic Page Builder for page content, Globals for contact details and socials, and all of our Alt Addons.
From this you should be able to use the row types out of the box and just style the templates. If you require a field type that is not in the kit you may be able to duplicate a similar set and tweak it, or create a new set, but if it is something that’s commonly used let us know so we can add it to the kit! You can delete any that are not required (though they may be transferable).
The styling is very minimal, that’s for you to complete, however the templates are configured with glide.js sliders, {{ glide }} image manipulation, lazy/eager loading on images, Alpine.js on the mobile menu, and more to ensure we have the bulk of the key functionality and performance included from the off.
Contains Alpine.js so be sure to remove this (from composer.json and site.js) if using Livewire.
statamic new {site-name} alt-design/alt-starter-kit
npm install
The 3 most common navigations are included and templated with a basic drop down menu and mobile menu (built with Alpine.js)
- Main Nav = Header
- Footer Nav = Footer
- Footer Small Links = Privacy policy, etc
Contact details (including social links) have a blueprint in Globals and are templated in the footer. If the field is empty it won't show in the front end. Social SVG’s can have their colours set here including hover states.
The header is templated with basic links and parent links with a dropdown.
On desktop the dropdown uses tailwind group
on the parent and hidden group-hover:flex
on the child.
On mobile it uses Alpine.js to open/close the nav and show/hide child links. The hamburger menu is easily customisable in /css/parts/hamburger.css:
:root { --color: #073548; --scrolled-color: #073548; /* if changing on scroll */ --open-color: #073548; /* if changing on open nav */ --height: 20px; --width: 20px; --line-weight: 2px; --line-gap: -7px; --hover-opacity: 1; --border-radius: 10px;}
The navbar is set to be fixed by default so there are some classes to help with the offset:
:root { --navbar-height: 117px;} .spacer{ height: var(--navbar-height)} html { scroll-padding-top: var(--navbar-height)} .h-screen-adj{ height: calc(100vh - var(--navbar-height));}
Very basic styling but the key components are all there. Any contact information comes from the site globals and won’t display if null. The social svg's have their colours set from admin. The site came comes from the APP_NAME in the .env file.
- Button Text
- Button Link
- Class
- Video, Single Image or Image Carousel
- Background Tint Toggle
- Title
- Subtitle
- Button
- Wysiwyg
This with the full width image is normally the basis for blog posts, I’d normally copy them into a blog_page_builder
so only these two are available. They both have a reduced width and should match each other’s width.
Full Width Image
- Image
This with the wysiwyg is normally the basis for blog posts, I’d normally copy them into a blog_page_builder
so only these two are available. They both have a reduced width and should match each other’s width.
Two Column
- Image
- Wysiwyg
- Swap Sides toggle
Three Column - slider on mobile
- Replicator (max 3)
- Image
- Title
- Text
- Button
This one can be the base for a lot of repeater rows, if 4 row for example increase the max number of sets and adjust template.
The template itself can be used for any data e.g. testimonials - create an entries picker and use that fields handle instead of {{ columns }}
Slider functionality added for mobile but easily removed if not required.
Logo Row
- Logos in a slider with breakpoints for desktop/mobile
Page Header
- Single Image
- Background Tint
- Title
- Subtitle
- Button
Similar to hero but single image only, max height 500px. Could also be used as a CTA.
- Title
- Form
There is also form blueprint with name, email, telephone and message set up with some validation, and a basic template. The success message will scroll into view upon submission. In this form the honeypot is set to ‘username’ within the form config to help trick any bots - something to be aware of if you need a ‘username’ field.
Also included in /parts/ is a basic modal
On body / parent element:
x-data="{modalOpen: false}"
On button / element:
x-on:click="modalOpen = ! modalOpen"
On page :
{{ partial:parts/modals/center-modal alpine="modalOpen" title="Modal Title" }} <div class="modal-body"> <p>Content here</p></div> {{ /partial:parts/modals/center-modal }}
It takes in a title, the alpine variable name and will {{ slot }}
any content within the .modal-body
404 - Error page
There is a basic 404 page with a link back to home.
Alt Addons
All Addons are included in the install
{{ alt_seo:meta }}
and {{ AltCookies:Toast }}
are included in the template.
The cookies addon has classes on each element you can use to style
For Alt Akismet, remember to add ALT_AKISMET_API_KEY
to your .env
The js only initialises Alpine.js and Glide sliders. If using Livewire remember to delete the reference to Alpine here.
The css only has some basic classes for
- Offsetting a fixed nav height (editable in :root)
- Hamburger Icon (editable in :root)
- Background tint on header images
- Buttons
- Wysiwyg
- Glide bullets
- Form fields
It can all be edited but should have the basics there to make it easy to customise any site.
Default Config Notes
By default the site only has a pages collection and blueprint (lined to the pagebuilder).
It is using the assets container and has image cache on (in config/statamic/assets)
Questions etc
Drop us a big shout-out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We're always looking to improve our addons, so if you have any feature requests, we'd love to hear them.
Starter Kits
- Alt Cookies Addon
- Alt Redirect Addon
- Alt Akismet Addon
- Alt Inbound Addon
- Alt Sitemap Addon
- Alt Password Protect Addon
- Alt Google 2FA Addon
Send us a postcard from your hometown if you like this addon. We love getting mail from other cool peeps!
Alt Design
St Helens House